Chakras are the energy centers in an individual’s body. Imbalances and blockages in Chakras lead to various physical and mental ailments. It’s not very uncommon to find an individual’s Chakra to be unbalanced or blocked. Balancing or unblocking of Chakras is performed through Chakra Therapy. Blockages in Chakras can be caused by various reasons such as negative emotions, fears and erratic lifestyle. As the Chakras are the gateways of flow of the universal energies to a human body, they have a direct impact on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of an individual. There are many a benefits of Chakra balancing through Chakra Therapy, the primary benefits being optimal physical, mental and emotional health.

There are numerous ways using which an individual’s Chakras can be balanced or unblocked. Chakra Sadhana or Chakra Meditation, Yoga, Aroma and Color Therapy and other energy healing techniques are some of the ways which are used to balance Chakra. But the best and easiest way to balance Chakras is by using Rudraksha beads and Gemstones. Rudraksha beads emit frequencies and Gemstones radiate colors that resonate with various Chakras and thus help balance Chakras. However, we look at the following mysterious therapies that heal the blocked Chakras:

Chakra Therapy

Healing Through Aroma Therapy



Muladhara (Root)

Vetiver, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ginger, Myrrh, Patchouli, Clove and Cedar.

Swathisthana (Sacral)

Sandalwood, Tangerine, Orange, Geranium, Texas Cedar wood and Pepper.

Manipura (Solar Plexus)

Myrrh, Frankincense, Balsam Fir Needle, Lemon and Lavender.

Anahata (Heart)

Rose, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Geranium, Rosemary, Peppermint and Tea Tree.

Vishuddha (Throat)

Lavender, Geranium, Coriander and Chamomile.

Using aromatherapy is one of the easiest and potent ways to balance and decongest Chakras. Other than their aroma various essential oils have various medicinal and mystic properties and thus have been used to treat physical, psychological and energetic imbalances since ages.

There are few ways using which an individual can use aromatherapy to balance Chakra. The primary method is to use a diffuse, to diffuse one or a selection or aromas using essential oils. This is best practiced while meditating or practicing yoga. The other methods include applying various essential oils directly on the location of the Chakra or using them for body massage or in bath waters.